Download & Setup

Use Composer. To setup a new PHPTree project

composer create-project phptree/phptree

Life is simple!

Server Requierments

  • PHP >= 8.0.0
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension

Inside the framework

Routing SQL/PDO Logger Debugger Secure JWT Redis Memcached Files cache

Your First Project

😍 Congrats!. After you manage to download the framework and created a new project, you can see a demo classes which located inside "app" directory.

find "initialize.php" its a class which initialized on load , you can add more classes or change it by modify auto loaded classes , now open "initialize.php" and explore our demo and sample script.

Project Environment

You need to modify default project settings by editing .env.json file , which is located inside project root directory

prod Boolean Production or development mode , true for production mode
debug Boolean Enable or disable debugger
system array System information , such as domain name

Autoload classes

PHPTree will try to load included and required classes using provided directories inside "classmap".

Load more classes on by adding them inside "init".

classmap array (Array of strings) , example ["app/", "src/"]
init array (Array of strings) startup Initialize classes , example ["app\\initialize"]

Route caching type

Define cacheType for routes, which can be a value from 0 to 3 :

cacheType int
  • ( 0 ) Disable route caching
  • ( 1 ) Using file cache
  • ( 2 ) Using Redis
  • ( 3 ) Using Memcached

JWT Token

A secret Token used to decrypt data using Secure class.

You can use THIS TOOL to generate a new Token.

JWT_SECRET string a secret token for JWT


PHPTree support 3 kinds of caching , you can edit, enable or disable them.

file bool Enable or disable file caching
redis array Redis server information
memcached array Memcached information , with a list of available servers


Do not miss a warning , exception or error .

errors string A full path for error and exceptions logs file , default : "var/logs/errors.txt" , "" to disable
mysql string A full path for mysql exceptions logs file , default : "var/logs/mysql.txt", "" to disable


It is easier more than you think!


Basic route example




Where "Path" is a browser or API routing , it can be anything you want.

Lets setup a method for our "Path"!


The modifier setMethod can be a class method , static method or a closure .


Modifier Input Info
where ( array $keys ) Array of accepted params regex for dynamic route
enabled ( bool $isEnabled ) Enable / Disable
  • namespace\\class@method
  • array(Class,Method,Bool) , true to call static method
  • closure
setGroup ( null | string $group ) Group name
redirect ( string $to , int $code = 302) Redirect route to another path or domain


Here is a full example how to use Route modifiers.

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreeRoute as Route;
			->where(['id' => '[0-9]+'])
namespace app\admin;

class views {
	public function user_profile( $params ){
	 echo " User profile request for ID : " . $params['id'];

Secure Requests

Keep your project safe , by using Secure class

safePost ( $encoding = "UTF-8" ) Return XSS escaped $_POST
safeGet ( $encoding = "UTF-8" ) Return XSS escaped $_GET
safeRequest ( $encoding = "UTF-8" ) Return XSS escaped $_REQUEST
safeArray ( array $array , $encoding = "UTF-8" ) Return XSS escaped array
safeInput ( string $string , $encoding = "UTF-8" ) Return a XSS escaped string

Example :

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreeSecure as Secure;
$post = Secure::safePost(); 

//This is safe 
$name =	$post['name'];

JWT Encryption / Decryption

RSA is a popular algorithm for asymmetric (public key) encryption that was established more than 40 years ago. Encrypting a JWT for a given recipient requires their public RSA key. The decryption takes place with the corresponding private RSA key, which the recipient must keep secret at all times.

Example for Data Encryption :

$post_token = Secure::generateToken( ['name'=>'Jack' , 'gender' => 'male'] );

Example for Data Decryption :

$data = Secure::validateToken( $post_token ); 

File cache

Use Debugger to manage cached files.

set ($key , $array , $timestamp = 0) Set key value and its timeout
get ($key) Return value or false
exists ($key) Return true or false
delete ($key) Remove cached key
flush ( bool $force = false ) Remove all keys or expired only
allKeys Return all keys

Example :

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreeCache AS PTCACHE;
PTCACHE::set("name" , "jack" , 3600);
echo  PTCACHE::get("name");


Require Redis to be installed on your server. Use Debugger to manage cached info.

set ($key , $array , $timestamp = 0) Set key value and its timeout
get ($key) Return value or false
exists ($key) Return true or false
delete ($key) Remove cached key
flush () Remove all keys

Example :

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreeCacheRedis AS PTREDIS;
PTREDIS::set("name" , "jack" , 3600);
echo  PTREDIS::get("name");


Require Memcached to be installed on your server. Use Debugger to manage cached info.

set ($key , $array , $timestamp = 0) Set key value and its timeout
get ($key) Return value or false
exists ($key) Return true or false
delete ($key) Remove cached key
flush () Remove all keys

Example :

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreeCacheMemcached AS PTMEMCACHED;
PTMEMCACHED::set("name" , "jack" , 3600);
echo  PTMEMCACHED::get("name");


Require a PDO extension to be installed and enabled.

Establish database connection Example :

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreePDO AS DB;
$db =	new DB( array('host' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=phptree' , 'username' => 'root' , 'password' => 'root') );

now we can use "$db" to manage our data inside the "phptree" database.

Select All

$users =	$db->select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE class =  :cname ", [ [":cname" ,  "math"  , \PDO::PARAM_STR] ] );

Select One

$user =	$db->selectOne("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id =  :id ", [ [":id" ,  $id  , \PDO::PARAM_INT] ] );


$users_in_class = $db->count("SELECT * FROM users WHERE class =  :cname ", [ [":cname" ,  "math"  , \PDO::PARAM_STR] ] );


$db->delete("DELETE FROM users WHERE class =  :cname ", [ [":cname" ,  "math"  , \PDO::PARAM_STR] ] );


$db->update("UPDATE users SET class =  :cname ", [ [":cname" ,  "math"  , \PDO::PARAM_STR] ] );


$db->query("UPDATE users SET class =  :cname ", [ [":cname" ,  "math"  , \PDO::PARAM_STR] ] );


$db->insert("INSERT INTO users (`username`) VALUES (:username) ", [ [":username" ,  "Jack"  , \PDO::PARAM_STR] ] );


You can trace your project speed , warnings , errors and more by using PHPTree Debugger , you can enable or disable debugger from .env.json

Also you can add your custom debug Tab inside your executed code by adding the following :

use PHPTree\Core\PHPTreeLogs AS Logs;
Logs::addTab( string $title , string | array $content , int $badge = 0 );